Homes for Sale in Southlands - Listings are updated throughout the day
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- $400,000 - $500,000
- $500,000 - $600,000
- $600,000 - $700,000
- $700,000 - $800,000
- $800,000 - $900,000
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Southlands Subdivision Profile
Located on the western edge of St. John's, Southlands subdivision is a family friendly area in close proximity to all amenities one may need. The neighbourhood is home to a city run Community Centre and soccer field, and is next door to the GlenDenning Golf Course. The groomed woodland trails are perfect for relaxing walk. Check out the Community Centre Facebook Page to get a better feel for the community.
While Southlands is immediately adjacent to Mount Pearl, it's only a 10 minute drive to downtown St. John's. The new Galway development is just down the road as is the highway, Paradise and Conception Bay South.
School Zoning for the Southlands Subdivision
- St. Peter's Primary (K - 3)
- Newtown Elementary (4 - 6)
- St. Peter's Junior High (7 - 9)
- O'Donel High School (10 - 12)
- École de Grands-Vents (K - 6)
- Ecole Rocher-du-Nord (7 - 12)
- St. Bonaventures College (St. John's)
- Lakecrest (St. John's)
- First Baptist Academy (Mount Pearl)
The School Catchment Viewer provides school zoning for any residential area in St. John's and surrounding areas. For English school board information visit NL English School District, for information on the French school system visit Conseil Scolaire Francophone.
Thinking about buying or selling a home in the Southlands Subdivision? Contact The Hann Group for informed advise and professional assistance.